Sunday, August 24, 2008

Visit us at C.O.P.

Amy Myhand and Jessica Schock will have an information and registration table set up near the Trinity Fountain outside of Council Oak Preschool on Thursday, September 4 and Friday, September 5. We will be there greeting moms of students at both drop-off and pick-up in hopes of reaching moms who would be interested in our ministry.

If you're a mom of a C.O.P. student, you can help in a couple of ways: First, stop by and visit with any interested moms and let them know how much you've benefitted from participating in M.O.M. Second, please encourage any moms you may know to stop and chat with us and pick up a flyer and invitation to the tea.

Looking forward to seeing you by the fountain!

Almost time for the Welcome Tea!

The Welcome Tea is fast approaching! Hopefully you've made plans to join us Thursday, September 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the foyer of the sanctuary of Round Rock United Methodist Church. If you did not receive the Evite for this event, please contact Ginger at Responding to the evite is not necessary to attend, but it is helpful for us in planning.

However, if you require childcare for the tea, you must reserve your spot by September 8th at 5 p.m. Follow this link to reserve your children's spot online

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fall Calendar is Set!

September is quickly approaching and the council is proud to announce that we've finalized our calendar of meeting topics for the upcoming fall semester of M.O.M. In addition to the favorite meetings that everyone loves (My Favorite Things Day, Swap Day, Q&A with Rev. Adkins, and Operation Christmas Child assembly) you can also look forward to an array of timely guest speakers. Among them are a family counselor who will answer our questions on how to best deal with in-laws; an expert presenting a condensed course in the discipline technique 1-2-3 Magic; and a nutritionist who will present an overview of child nutrition and how to get our kids to eat healthy foods. We've got much more planned and we'll reveal more details as the semester unfolds.

We're excited to have you join us for what promises to be a wonderful semester in the life of the Ministry of Motherhood!

2008-2009 Book Study

We've chosen The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd to be our book study for the upcoming year. Here is an excerpt from the author's website:

If you are a mother, you may not look in the mirror everyday and see yourself as having a great influence on the world, but you do! No one has a greater impact on the home than a mother, and that impact can be defeatingly negative or powerfully positive. This book will help ensure that your impact is positive. In the pages of this insightful and inspiring book, you will learn seven, simple principles for shaping your family for good--principles that work for stay-at-home and working moms alike. As you read this captivating book, you will see how your attitude and actions can fill the lives of those you care about the most with love and encouragement. Become the mom you've always wanted to be. You might even surpass your own dreams.

Not a reader? Try to find "errands" to run on book study days? We've got you in mind! We've purchased the book's companion DVD that summarizes each priniciple into 20-25 minute segments. On our four book study days spread throughout the year, we'll watch the DVD, then follow each segment with a group discussion on the principles presented. So, if you'd prefer not to purchase the book, you can still participate in and gain insight from our book study days.

Kim Heath, bargain hunter extraordinaire, is searching for the best price on the book and we will probably make a bulk purchase for those interested in owning the book. More information on that to come...

Mission: School Supplies

The August/September mission is collecting school supplies to be delivered to deserving area students. Please take the time to buy a few extra items as you do your back-to-school shopping. You may contact Mission Coordiator, Kristi Rape’ at ksrape@austin. or 906-2776 and arrange a time to meet and hand off the items if you do not wish to store them until mid-September. Or you can bring your items to our first official meeting on Thursday, September 18, or Friday September 19 and Kristi will get them collected and delivered.

Register for Childcare Online

If you haven't done so already, take a moment and register your child(ren) for childcare online. The electronic forms can be found by clicking on the following link

Please note that you must register for the Welcome Tea separatly from the fall semester.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Childcare Coordinator, Sandy Perez at 512.636.3084 or