Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ronald McDonald Family Room at North Austin Medical Center

 Ok, I know it’s a bit early to speak about the March Mission, but I wanted to share the list of items requested for the Ronald McDonald Family Room now so you’ll have an idea of what will be needed. Please note all donations must be individually wrapped items, not one big item – think mini bar/fridge at a hotel. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help! 

Here we go (a lot of these items should be on sale the next few weeks – yea!):
Any kind of breakfast bar
Animal Crackers
Fruit Cups
Ramen Noodles (or any type of soup like the Campbell’s in a Cup)
Pudding Cups
Potato Chips
Candy Bars
Mini Chocolates (this evidently is a FAVORITE for new Moms) :-)
Tuna or Chicken Salad Packs
Chef Boyardee Mini Cups
Word Finds
Crossword Puzzles
Knitted Caps or Dolls for preemies
Coca Cola donates ALL drink items so they are good with drinks. However, if you want to donate individual milks, that is welcome. 
Pretty much any individually wrapped treat you can think of, is welcome to the mini kitchen. This is just a starting list to help you with some ideas.
Thanks again ladies for all you do to make our missions so special!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hi Ladies!

When Laura first sent out the information about our February mission, A Cup of Joe for a Joe, I was excited to know that we may be able to lift the spirits of troops far away from home with just a cup of coffee.  I wrote back to Laura to let her know that I was looking forward to this mission because my cousin, Chris, was just deployed to Afghanistan on February 2, and although I wasn't sure if we would be able to connect our mission to his battalion, I was happy to know that someone like Chris would benefit from our donations and support.  Laura and I did some research on the mission....and it turns out that we can specify a location that we want our donations to go to!!  To top it off, Chris has a Green Beans location almost 100 ft. from his "house" (as he calls it) in Bagram, Afghanistan.  He even said that it may just have the best Chai he's ever tasted!  My heart was filled with joy to know that we could give to him and his unit!

Chris is a member of the Army Reservist Detachment 26  203rd MIBN (Military Intelligence Battalion).  He joined the military right out of high school; serving one year in Korea.  Chris met his wife, Amy, after he returned from his service and they now have two precious children, Ben (18 months) and Anna (almost 5 months).  He will be gone almost a year...hopefully returning home before Christmas this year.  We pray that his time in Afghanistan is not extended and that he can return home as expected.  I asked him about his "house"'s a 7 ft x 20 ft cargo container.  There are two guys per container.  His roommate is a newlywed.  He said that the Green Beans cafe is a trailer...really everything is a trailer.  He said it's cold right now and it has been snowing.  We aren't sure about his job, given that most everything he does is top secret the most we can pray for is that he's safe.  

Coffee doesn't seem like anything special...but to someone so far away from home, family, and friends, it can brighten your day.  I have no idea what stresses he's dealing with...but the living situation and the fact that he's just trying to get through one day at a time let me know that our matter how big or small...will be such a blessing to him and the men and women around him.  Thank you for your support in our February mission...and I hope that my story about Chris will help make the mission more personal to you.  

Dana Prewitt
Chris Moses

Amy, Anna, Chris and Ben

Thursday, February 17, 2011

All New- Ladies Night In

Dear Friends,
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I want you all to feel included and welcomed at our MOM's events.  It has been my mission since day one to try to provide everyone with opportunities for fellowship and create fun, meaningful experiences for you to share with your children.  Recently I have noticed that there has been a decline in attendance at our monthly LNO events.  Perhaps it could be a reflection on the fact that it has been cold and children have been sick, or perhaps it could be that many of us are on tight budgets and cannot always afford a night out.  Whatever the reason or combinations of reasons may be, it led me to think about what I would like to do differently this semester.
Speaking for myself, I know that one of the reasons I so enjoy LNO is that it provides me with a couple of hours of adult conversation with girlfriends.  I also know that we are a one income family with two children at COP and we have a budget that doesn't always allow for extras.  So, it occurred to me that perhaps I could offer our group something that would allow us to gather and socialize without costing much or any money.  I would like to add a new monthly event to our calendar:  Ladies Night In!
Ladies Night In will be held at the church in building 5 (the room may vary depending on what other events are taking place that evening at the church).  It will begin at 7 and end at 9, however you can come & go as you wish.  Ladies Night In is not a dinner event, so you will want to eat prior to attending.
Save the date!  The very first Ladies Night In will be on Tuesday, March 8th.  It will be an evening filled with fellowship, but also PRODUCTIVITY!!  How many of you out there have incomplete baby books, photo albums, scrap books or some project similar to these?  I know that I have several unfinished projects just sitting waiting for me to return to them.  However, no matter how hard I try I just cannot seem to put the time aside to get them done.  SO...this month I hope you will join me for a Ladies Night In.  We can socialize and finish some of our unfinished projects!   How great would that be to check that project offf of the list of things to do!  All you need to bring with you for this night out with your fellow MOM's is your unfinished project and the materials that you need to finish it.  That's it!  A fun-filled free night with friends!  Woo hoo!
I also want all of you to know that our traditional LNO will still be offered every month.  This month's LNO on Monday, February 21st is going to be at Mesa Rosa off of 620.  If you have never been before, Mesa Rosa has a pretty affordable menu.  If you haven't been able to join us yet this year, I encourage you to come.  It really is a nice way to get to know some of the other MOM's  members, especially those that attend on a different day of the week than you do. 
If you ever have any questions or comments, please feel free to email or call me!  My cell # is 512-820-3879.  I honestly truly want you to have a positive MOM's experience and to be able to participate in events, create new bonds, and feel like you are always welcome.  :)
I look forward to seeing you at our first Ladies Night In on Tuesday, March 8th!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meals on Wheels

It is so exciting to see so many new babies joining our group! And as we all know a new addition to your family means the loss of sleep, and a more hectic life. With everything new mom's have going on who has time to think about what is for dinner?

To help these families we like to provide them with Meals on Wheels. We like to provide meals for 3 weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's.

To provide the meals we need the help of our members. But sometimes it can be really tough! Afterall we have our own families, and things going on in our life. And we don't always have time to make a yummy dinner.

We want you to know that you don't have to personally cook a dinner if you don't want or have time to. Families will welcome anything you bring! Great meals can also come from BBQ joints, pizza parlors, Mexican or Chinese restaurants.

Since we are a large group we know that sometimes meals might come up for someone you don't know. Please don't let that stop you from bringing them a meal. And don't feel like you have to stay and chat, there is nothing wrong with dropping off the food and leave.

Speaking personally, the meals you provide are greatly appreciated, we know you are going out of your way to help us, and we can't thank you enough for your kindness.

Many thank you's and God Bless!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We want YOU!

Ever wanted to be on council?
Want to give back to the group who has meant so much to you?
Want to make a difference in other Mom's lives?

Well the time is almost here!
In March we will begin looking for the next council members to lead our group into the 2011-2012 year.


Feel free to talk to any of our current or past council members to find out what it is they love about being on council.

Our current council members are:
Lauren Burden- our Thursday Leader
Leslie Clemmons- our Friday Leader
Dana Anderson- our Childcare Coordinator
Amy Mitschke- our Communications Coordinator
Emily Ahlquist- our Congregational Care Coordinator
Laura Tingelstad- our Missions Coordinator
Sheramee Fowler- our Registrar
Carolyn Richards- our Special Events Coordinator
Jessica Mierau- our Sunshine Coordinator

Stay tuned for more information coming in March!

Lets support our troops!

Hi Ladies:
BBBRRRRRR! Who wouldn’t enjoy a steaming hot cup o’ joe this morning, right? A simple pleasure we may take for granted in the safety of our homes or served by our favorite barista in a local joint! 

But the men and women who serve our country don’t always have access to the simple pleasures of our daily life. So, this month, we will be collecting donations for Cup of Joe where $2.00 can buy one cup of coffee for a soldier. Spare change is welcome! A coffee cup will be placed on the snack table during the month of February to place your donation. 

AND if you want to do something a little extra with your child, please feel free to make a thank you card to send to our troops! These touches of home make a big difference to strangers and/or loved ones who keep our freedom in tact. Thank you for continuing to be such a caring and supportive group – we are a blessed bunch indeed!

Please stay safe and warm today!