The pastor and staff at FUMC-RR have blessed us with the gift of a fourth childcare room for both Thursday and Friday! We are thankful for this and for the growth of our group that precipitated such a need. However, with this gift comes responsibility. It is important to know which children to expect on meeting days. If you foresee that you will be unable to attend a meeting, please contact Sandy Perez at and let her know you won't be needing your child's spot that week. We know unforeseen conflicts arise, but if you will notify Sandy whenever possible, it will allow us to better manage all the children's placement in childcare.
This fourth room allows us to continue to grow as a ministry! So, please help spread the word that childcare space is no longer a restriction for our group. We want every mom to be able to find a place among us. As Jessica and I thanked Rev. Adkins this morning for approving the fourth room, his comment was, "You're welcome! Fill it up!" What a blessing to know that our ministry is so valued and supported by our church!