Thursday, September 19, 2013

September Events!

While the September Playdate has already happened (this morning at Inflatable Wonderland in Lakeline Mall), the Ladies Night Out is still coming up!

Its going to be:
September 25th at 7:00pm, a wine tasting event that is sure to be awesome! Come to the meeting to find out where! :)

Here's a picture of this year's Council, just to add some images to this wall of text:

Getting Down to Business!

Alright, Ladies! Here's everything you need to know:

1) The Tea on Friday, Sept 6th was a Huge Success! Mad props to Heidi and Jessica S for putting it all together and making it so beautiful!

2) If you missed the tea but would still like to come hang out with us, we meet every Friday at First United Methodist Church in Round Rock, Bldg 5, on the 2nd floor Great Room, 9:30-11:30. We'd love to meet you!

3) For those of us who are showing up regularly (and even not-so regularly!), Registration is Due! (Dolla' Dolla' Bills, Y'all!) So if you haven't paid already, remember your checkbook.

4) In a moment, I will be updating the calendar to the left ( <------  ) to include our Fall Meetings. Be sure to check that out!

5) Lastly, if you haven't filled out a childcare form, we can't watch your kids!  I've updated the forms on the right, just print that baby out, and bring it with you to your next meeting.

That's all for now-- have a great one! :)