Thursday, February 10, 2011

We want YOU!

Ever wanted to be on council?
Want to give back to the group who has meant so much to you?
Want to make a difference in other Mom's lives?

Well the time is almost here!
In March we will begin looking for the next council members to lead our group into the 2011-2012 year.


Feel free to talk to any of our current or past council members to find out what it is they love about being on council.

Our current council members are:
Lauren Burden- our Thursday Leader
Leslie Clemmons- our Friday Leader
Dana Anderson- our Childcare Coordinator
Amy Mitschke- our Communications Coordinator
Emily Ahlquist- our Congregational Care Coordinator
Laura Tingelstad- our Missions Coordinator
Sheramee Fowler- our Registrar
Carolyn Richards- our Special Events Coordinator
Jessica Mierau- our Sunshine Coordinator

Stay tuned for more information coming in March!