Friday, February 11, 2011

Meals on Wheels

It is so exciting to see so many new babies joining our group! And as we all know a new addition to your family means the loss of sleep, and a more hectic life. With everything new mom's have going on who has time to think about what is for dinner?

To help these families we like to provide them with Meals on Wheels. We like to provide meals for 3 weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's.

To provide the meals we need the help of our members. But sometimes it can be really tough! Afterall we have our own families, and things going on in our life. And we don't always have time to make a yummy dinner.

We want you to know that you don't have to personally cook a dinner if you don't want or have time to. Families will welcome anything you bring! Great meals can also come from BBQ joints, pizza parlors, Mexican or Chinese restaurants.

Since we are a large group we know that sometimes meals might come up for someone you don't know. Please don't let that stop you from bringing them a meal. And don't feel like you have to stay and chat, there is nothing wrong with dropping off the food and leave.

Speaking personally, the meals you provide are greatly appreciated, we know you are going out of your way to help us, and we can't thank you enough for your kindness.

Many thank you's and God Bless!