Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cup of Joe Mission update

Hi Ladies:
Well, knock my socks off and find me a chair – you ladies completely blew me away with this mission. In my head, I had set a goal of $50 (that would purchase 25 cups of coffee for our soldiers overseas) and I hoped we would reach that amount. You generously gave $115!!!!!!! That is some serious coffee beans! And with the matching program set up by Green Beans Coffee, a gift card was sent to Sabalu-Harrison (today) in the amount of $126.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 63 cups of coffee!!!!!! The soldiers can start drinking free coffee in about one hour courtesy of MOMs.

Here's the note we attached with our gift card:
Dear Chris and Friends:
We are honored to send you this small gift as you selflessly continue to represent our country and protect our freedoms that we deeply cherish. We are so proud of you. Sending prayers for you and your families.
Love and peace, The MOMs of First United Methodist Church - Round Rock

Thank you, once again, for filling my heart with joy and appreciation for such a special group. I am so honored to serve among you this year. When I accepted the Missions Coordinator last year, I had no idea what a profound and positive impact this position would have on me, but I’m guessing God did :-). And I am grateful for the journey you all have enabled me to take with you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love and hugs,