Thursday, February 17, 2011

All New- Ladies Night In

Dear Friends,
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I want you all to feel included and welcomed at our MOM's events.  It has been my mission since day one to try to provide everyone with opportunities for fellowship and create fun, meaningful experiences for you to share with your children.  Recently I have noticed that there has been a decline in attendance at our monthly LNO events.  Perhaps it could be a reflection on the fact that it has been cold and children have been sick, or perhaps it could be that many of us are on tight budgets and cannot always afford a night out.  Whatever the reason or combinations of reasons may be, it led me to think about what I would like to do differently this semester.
Speaking for myself, I know that one of the reasons I so enjoy LNO is that it provides me with a couple of hours of adult conversation with girlfriends.  I also know that we are a one income family with two children at COP and we have a budget that doesn't always allow for extras.  So, it occurred to me that perhaps I could offer our group something that would allow us to gather and socialize without costing much or any money.  I would like to add a new monthly event to our calendar:  Ladies Night In!
Ladies Night In will be held at the church in building 5 (the room may vary depending on what other events are taking place that evening at the church).  It will begin at 7 and end at 9, however you can come & go as you wish.  Ladies Night In is not a dinner event, so you will want to eat prior to attending.
Save the date!  The very first Ladies Night In will be on Tuesday, March 8th.  It will be an evening filled with fellowship, but also PRODUCTIVITY!!  How many of you out there have incomplete baby books, photo albums, scrap books or some project similar to these?  I know that I have several unfinished projects just sitting waiting for me to return to them.  However, no matter how hard I try I just cannot seem to put the time aside to get them done.  SO...this month I hope you will join me for a Ladies Night In.  We can socialize and finish some of our unfinished projects!   How great would that be to check that project offf of the list of things to do!  All you need to bring with you for this night out with your fellow MOM's is your unfinished project and the materials that you need to finish it.  That's it!  A fun-filled free night with friends!  Woo hoo!
I also want all of you to know that our traditional LNO will still be offered every month.  This month's LNO on Monday, February 21st is going to be at Mesa Rosa off of 620.  If you have never been before, Mesa Rosa has a pretty affordable menu.  If you haven't been able to join us yet this year, I encourage you to come.  It really is a nice way to get to know some of the other MOM's  members, especially those that attend on a different day of the week than you do. 
If you ever have any questions or comments, please feel free to email or call me!  My cell # is 512-820-3879.  I honestly truly want you to have a positive MOM's experience and to be able to participate in events, create new bonds, and feel like you are always welcome.  :)
I look forward to seeing you at our first Ladies Night In on Tuesday, March 8th!